July, 3rd 2010, my age return to 19. WHAT? Last age of being -teen ? Hikss :'(
Well, not much stories in this day. My mom sick and it was raining all day long, so there's no dinner at restaurant. We only dinner pork soup n satay (yaiy!!).
A few months ago, i decided to have a SLR Camera by Canon, which is Canon EOS 550D, or maybe a new pocket camera, Canon IXUS 130. But my mom said that things is not really usable for me. She gave me choices, a new LCD Screen (the old one is die -_-) or new Handphones. Well, i choose the LCD, because i need it. My old LCD is die because of the time-limit is empty.
My mom's birthday is next week after my birthday, which is on July, 10th 2010. After my mom going well, we like to celebrate our birthday on one of famous restaurant near my house. We plan to have a lunch at A Pau Noodle Cafe on SMS, but when I saw that Takigawa Restaurant have a "Special discount 50% for Mega Visa user", I told my mom to change our plan and we were lunch at Takigawa. The dishes are delicious, specially the Chicken Noodle, very smooth and rich.What we order are :
Gomoku Km 67.000 ++
Kushiyaki Platter 115.000++
Chicken Sizz 47.000++
Tan-Tan Men 55.000++
Ice Tea 8.000++
Cold Ocha 12.000++
my birthday cake, from AJ's bakery. I want it moreee
kiss from my dad and my mom
my mom birthday cake. she's old now, hahaha.
Well, in this age, i wish to be a better person than before. I wish that I always in good-health, positive thinking, and I wish I can solve my problem without being selfish or drama-queen.
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