June 2, 2010


Title : Goemon
Directed by: Kazuaki Kiriya
Cast: Yosuke Eguchi, Takao Osawa, Ryoko Hirosue, Garagesale Gori, Jun Kaname, Tetsuji Tamayama
Duration: 128 min

Goemon is a charismatic master thief who roams at will throughout the chaotic world of the Sengoku period, only stealing from the rich and providing for the poor. One night, he unexpectedly steels a strange box from a wealthy merchant, which holds the key to the assassination of a leader who was killed on the eve before the unification of Japan. When the secret is uncovered, a major conflict soon arises, putting all powers in chaos.

Menurut gw film ini complicated banget, tapi entah mengapa Jerico senengggg banget nonton ini. Apalagi film nya tergolong sadis, darah muncrat, tangan kepotong, kepala ilang.. omg -_-